In Partnership With Stonewall Community Foundation

We’re honored to continue our partnership with Stonewall Community Foundation for the seventh year running. Throughout 2024, we’ll continue to support them on initiatives that benefit the LGBTQIA+ community.

About the Foundation

Stonewall Community Foundation invests in the LGTBQIA+ community in New York and across the U.S., working with grassroots nonprofits and populations experiencing the greatest vulnerability. Continuing the fight for equality and LGBTQIA+ rights ignited by the Stonewall Riots of 1969, Stonewall Community Foundation focuses on causes like education and violence prevention, family acceptance and health — with community participation at the center of their work.  

By the Numbers
  • 1 out of every 25 LGBTQ-focused grants awarded in the US comes from Stonewall
  • 189 organizations currently receive funding from Stonewall, 107 of which are BIPOC-led 
  • 128 U.S. cities directly impacted by Stonewall grants, including under-resourced regions like the South and Midwest
  • 83% of Stonewall’s grants are unrestricted enabling organizations to be adaptive and responsive in our ever-changing political reality
  • $500K+ worth of in-kind support to LGBTQ individuals
  • 66% of Stonewalls’ funding supports locally-focused organizations across the US
  • 39% of Stonewalls’ competitive and discretionary grantmaking is specifically targeted to benefit trans and GNC people
Spreading the Love
Black Futures Fund

Seeded by support from Dockers®, this fund is a continuation of Stonewall’s decades-long investment in the development of Black LGBTQIA+ leadership and the cornerstone of its initiative to build a national community of Black LGBTQIA+ visionaries, creators and movement makers.