Sustaining Vintage: One Stitch at a Time
There’s never been more conversation around upcycling — the practice of of taking something no longer in use and giving it a second life. Not only have we done that with our latest drop of vintage Dockers®, we’ve made these pieces more beautiful, unique and valuable than before. Key to this round of upcycling is the way these clothes have been mended.
There are a ton of mending techniques that can be used to upcycle; in this drop we were inspired by ‘30s and ‘40s mending techniques that showcase the beauty of visible repairs and customization.
First, like always, we collected these vintage and pre-loved Dockers® khakis from around the globe, and then we customized each by hand with our small team of artisans in Los Angeles. The result? One-of-a-kind garments guaranteed to be forever unique to you.